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Instruction Booklet 
12 pages:
Sections include:
-Game Instructions Overview:
-Game Objective
Game Components
-Game Board: 
-Player Mats: 
-Player Avatars: 
-Equipment Cards: 
-Draw Cards: 
-Atomster Tokens: .
-Navigation Dice:  
Gameplay Overview.
-Dice Compass.
-Dice Pips.
Tile Actions
-Empty Tile:
-Tile with Nucleons:
-Tile with Nucleons:
Pick up cards
-Exploration card.
-Trading card.
Chain Reactions:
Atomster Tiles
End Game

Game Objective
The aim of the game is to collect Atomster Tokens and Nucleon Crystals that multiply together to determine victory points. The challenge of the game is to maintain nuclear stability by collecting nucleons in the correct order. A player can trigger a chain reaction which may result in other players losing or winning extra victory points. Careful navigation and Strategic moves can increase a player's chances of winning.

85 Exploration Draw Cards
Each area has 17 Draw Cards that allow a player to collect Atomster tokens if they have the right equipment.

25 Equipment Cards
Each player is given 5 Equipment Cards that they can use to collect their rewards. Players can rent or buy other player cards

85 Atomster Tokens
There are 85 Atomster Tokens that can be assembled to form interesting new atom monsters. Each player can collect these as they complete their action card. Atomster tokens can be traded between players so they can create their best Atomster creation.

Game Components
Game Board: 1 board featuring a navigable map.
Player Mats: 1 per player (up to 5).
Player Avatars: 1 per player (up to 8 avatars).
Equipment Cards: 5 per player.
Draw Cards: 1 deck per player.
Nucleons: Proton and Neutron Crystals.
Atomster Tokens: 84 tokens.
Navigation Dice: 2 dice (red for north/south, blue for east/west).

Draw Cards: 1 deck per player.
Each player has a set of draw cards that are used by all the players as they navigate around the board. Players draw a card from the closest pile when they land on a blank square. The Draw card pack includes Trading cards, Exploration cards and a Bonus card.

Atomster Tokens: 84 tokens.
Atomster tokens are collected through the game and are used in conjunction with stability grid neutron crystals for calculating victory points. Bonus points can be scored by having the best Atomster Monster at the end of the game. 

Player Count: 1 to 5 players .
Each player selects a themed area and places their Player Mat adjacent.
Each player receives:
5 Equipment Cards (face up).
1 Nucleon Crystal of their choice to place on their Stability Grid.
Shuffle themed Draw Card decks and place them face down at each themed location.
Create piles of Atomster Tokens and Nucleons to be collected during the game. 

Players take turns rolling the Navigation Dice and moving around the board to collect nucleons, draw cards, and build Atom Monsters.
Roll Compass Headings:
Players can move any number of steps in the direction of the compass heading.
Roll Dice Pips:
Players can move by the number of pips in either direction based on its colour. If a player rolls a blue pip face, then they can move east or west by the number of pips, and a red dice allows movements north or south.
The player moves based on the combination of the two dice which will result in, up, down, and across movements. 

Pick up an exploration card.
If they get an exploration card, then they need to find the corresponding equipment token in order to collect their reward of Atomster tokens. The player may need to rent or buy the equipment item if they didn't already own it.

Pick up a trading card.
If the player picks up a trading card then they can retain it for buying or renting future cards, or they can exchange it for the equivalent amount of nucleons. Some can be added to their stability grid, and the others can be stored in their trade grid. Trade zone nucleons can only be used for buying or renting and don't count as victory points.

Stability Grid:
If the tile has red or blue nucleons, then the player must collect the equivalent amount of crystals and place them on their stability grid. A player needs to fill one line at a time before progressing to the next line on the stability grid. Each line has a combination of neutron and proton slots that need to be filled before the next line is started.

Chain Reaction: 
 If the player has too many proton crystals, or neutron crystals, then they must pass on the excess crystals to the next player. The next player needs to find a suitable empty slot to absorb the nucleon crystals, otherwise they need to pass them on, as well as adding an additional crystal. This is a chain reaction that goes from player to player until all the crystals are absorbed by the players.  

Your mission is to collect and build the most powerful Atomster winning. Atomsters are made up of lots of smaller Atoms that combine together to make a monster sized Atom. Arrange your tokens to create an Atom monster that looks great.   
End Game:
The game ends when the first player fills their stability grid by successfully placing protons and neutrons in their allocated slots and maintaining their stability . There are different options with a short game grid option or a long game grid option.
At the end of the game each player must donate a nucleon crystal to another player's Atomster, that they consider to be the best.
The winner is calculated by multiplying the number of atomster tiles by the number of nucleons on the stability grid, and the highest score wins. 

Advanced Game
Flip your Atomster tokens over to find a Lithium Atom on each token. At the end of the game you can combine your Atomster tokens and calculate the atomic number of your combined tokens to work out the element that has been created. The element table has each element with its atomic number based on the number of protons.  Scores over 118 place your element in unchartered territory. 

Exploration Card!

Blank Tiles:
When a player lands on a blank tile they draw the closest
Exploration card. The Exploration card has 4 areas that allow a player to make their next move. Owning the equipment card shown on the Exploration card allows them to collect their Atomster Tokens. If not they can rent or buy the equipment so they are able to collect their reward.    


Roll the Dice
You set out by rolling the two dice that sets your coordinates.
1. The red dice allows you to move North or South.
2. The blue dice allows you to move in the East or West direction,
3.Super move: when a dice rolls to a N,S,E,or W, then the player can travel any number of steps in that direction.

Atomic Move

Nucleon Tiles
When a player lands on a tile with coloured Nucleons then they collect the tokens and add them to their Stability grid. They can only load nucleons one layer at a time to maintain stability, otherwise surplus nucleons need to be returned as well as a corresponding number of Atomster Tiles, that need to be placed into the players trade zone. 

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